Prices in EUR | |||||||||||
Lorries and road trailers are subject to:
Small cargo vehicles up 7m length | 250 | ||||||||||
Lorries in excess of 7m length – per each commenced meter of length | 39 | ||||||||||
Road trailers - per each commenced meter of length | 35 | ||||||||||
Loading / unloading on board/ashore | 60 | ||||||||||
Minimum freight | 210 | ||||||||||
Passage, berth and meals for one driver are included in the rate. | |||||||||||
Second driver (passage, berth and meals included) | 90 | ||||||||||
For connection to the ship‘s electrical system/power points extra charge to be levied of 10% extra calculated on the basic rate. The ship is not responsible for heating or temperature. The Shipowner offers connection to the electric network of the ferry with a voltage of 400V. |
Prices in EUR | |||||||||||
Motor cars and car trailers up to 7m length and up to 2m height | |||||||||||
- without passengers accompanied | 170 | ||||||||||
- loading/discharging on board/ashore per unit | 60 | ||||||||||
Lorries, buses, chassis, caravans, campers, car trailers and other vehicles over 7m length and/or over 2m height | |||||||||||
- without passengers accompanied, per each commenced meter | 33 | ||||||||||
- loading/discharging on board/ashore per unit | 60 | ||||||||||
Other mobile cargo (tractors, agricultural machines etc.) and liner’s equipment with conventional cargo loaded on | |||||||||||
- without passengers accompanied, per each commenced meter | 38 | ||||||||||
- loading/discharging on board/ashore per unit | 60 | ||||||||||
Additional fee for nonstarters to be charged by 100% of the rate for unit handling. |
Price in EUR | |||||||||||
As a commodities in load units / conventional general cargo, on pallets, packages/ to be considered such loads which may be loaded resp. discharged and handled by full mechanized manner, without additional operations and material. | |||||||||||
Freight groups for harmless goods | |||||||||||
Goods measuring up to 2 cbm / ton | 50/ton or 40/cbm | ||||||||||
Goods measuring up to 3 cbm / ton | 70/ton or 40/cbm | ||||||||||
Goods measuring up to 4 cbm / ton | 90/ton or 40/cbm | ||||||||||
Goods measuring up to 4 cbm / ton | 110/ton or 40/cbm | ||||||||||
Minimum freight | 55/parcel | ||||||||||
The cargo is freighted as per weight or measurement which-ever yields more for the Shipowner. The rates are based on quay/quay basis. The Customer is obliged to deliver the cargo loco to the ferry terminal in port. Otherwise, extra charges for shifting and exceeding normal stevedoring work to be applied. The rates in this tariff apply to pieces and packages of not more than 3000 kilos. |
Pieces and packages in excess of 3000 kilos (general cargo) or in excess of weight: | |||||||||||
- 7 tons/axle if distance between axles is less than 1,3 m Containers and lorries/road trailers are subject to weight surcharge as follows: |
Pieces and packages on roll trailers, lorries or road trailers in excess of width: | |||||||||||
2,81m - 3,00m + 25% of basic rate 3,01m - 3,20m + 50% of basic rate 3,21m - 3,80m + 75% of basic rate 3,81m - 5,60m + 100% of basic rate 5,61m and over + 130% of basic rate |
Pieces and packages in excess of 12 meters length (general cargo) or in excess of 24 meters length (lorries and road trailers) as per agreement. |
Dangerous cargo. Terms and conditions. | Price in EUR | ||||||||||
Dangerous Goods classes 2.2, 3III, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 8 and 9 are accepted for shipment (also in Containers and Lorries/Road Trailers) provided that the international regulations according to IMO-Code are fulfilled and a written declaration "Form of Application and Certificate Forwarding /Shipment of Dangerous Goods" furnished before shipment. Notification of the intended shipment of dangerous cargoes must be given 24 hours before planned departure of a ferry. | |||||||||||
Surcharge for dangerous goods - bill of lading | |||||||||||
Freight as per classification for "Harmless Goods" | freight + 50% extra | ||||||||||
Minimum freight | 100 / parcel | ||||||||||
Surcharge for containers, lorries, road trailers containing dangerous goods: | |||||||||||
for unit | 100 / unit | ||||||||||
for empty uncleaned unit | 100 / unit |
Tarrif valid from 01.01.2022
Polish Baltic Shipping Co. – Polferries has made decision on BAF rates (Bunker Adjustment Factor) and the surcharge EU ETS (European Union Emissions Trading System). The rate will take effect from March 1, 2025 and will remain valid until further notice.
Line Gdańsk - Nynäshamn i v.v.: | BAF | ETS | ||||||||||
per each commenced meter of langth vehicle | 13,41 EUR | 6,27 EUR | ||||||||||
ul. Mjr. Sucharskiego 70,
80-601 Gdańsk
Mon - Fri: 8:00-17:45
Saturday: 9:30-17:45
Sunday: 9:30-14:45
ul. Fińska 7,
72-606 Świnoujście
every day: 08:00-23:00
Skyttens Hälls Väg 10,
149 30 Nynäshamn
Mon - Fri: 09:00–18:00
Sat: 11:00–18:00
Sun: 11:00–14:00 (high season to 18:00)
Bornholmsgatan 8D,
271 39 Ystad
Mon-Fri: 8:00-18:00; 18:30-23:00
Sat-Sun: 19:15-23:00
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