Купити квиток

Environment protection
Environment protection

Environment protection

The ships operated by Polferries are friendly for environment, we follow all the IMO regulations that are in force in the area of SECA (Sulfur Emission Control Area) to which The Baltic Sea belongs as well as the EC regulation inside of the ports that our ships enter.

We use low sulfur high quality fuel to power our ships.

We are also ready to follow local regulations in the ports of call in Sweden and Poland.

We discharge our ships from waste materials in ports. We are still open for further improvements in the field of electric power supply from the shore and convert our ships for such arrangements what means drastic reduction of emission and noise.

The ISM Code (International Safety Management) introduced on board our ships makes safety of navigation and environment protection under permanent control and of high priority.

Контакти - Індивідуальні та групові клієнти

Контакти - Вантаж