Купити квиток

Quality policy
Quality policy

Quality policy

Implementation and development of the quality and safety management system, in accordance with the ISM Code and ISO 9001: 2008 is made due to awareness of the need to meet the convention rules and requirements of our customers.

We are aware that our customers expect from services of personnel onshore and offshore, highest professional qualifications, which functions in an efficient and effective organizational structure.
Taking it into consideration, we adopted the following objectives of quality and safety:
• gaining recognition of customers and recognized position in the country and abroad,
• developing and maintaining a level of service that meets client’s expectations,
• continuous improvement of services
• strengthening the company's position in the market of shipping services and tourism
• consolidation of the trademark as a guarantor of quality and safety,
• elimination of customer dissatisfaction by analyzing the complaints,
• ensuring safe using of ships owned, safe working conditions and avoiding damage to the environment, especially marine environment,
• establishing safety measures against certain threats of shipping and the marine environment,

These objectives are completed by:
• implementation and improvement of the quality and safety management system, according to ISO 9001: 2008 and the ISM Code,
• awakening and developing pro-quality awareness throughout the company,
• popularizing the company's achievements in terms of quality of services through marketing activities,
• informing customers about the achievements in improving our services,
• raising the qualifications of employees by educational policy of the company,
• continuous improvement of company staff regarding safety management,
• preparing to action in an emergency regarding ship safety and environmental protection.

All the employees are responsible for the implementation of quality activities.
Senior Management identified the above policy in terms of quality, safety and environmental protection and ensure that it is linked to the expectations and needs of customers, as well as with the objectives of the company. Policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the Company.
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
Andrzej Madejski

Контакти - Індивідуальні та групові клієнти

Контакти - Вантаж